Section: Dissemination

Animation of the scientific community


Jean-Marc Jézéquel

is an Associate Editor of the following journals:

  • IEEE Computer

  • Journal on Software and System Modeling: SoSyM

  • Journal of Systems and Software: JSS

  • Journal of Object Technology: JOT

Examination Committees

Jean-Marc Jézéquel

was in the examination committee of the following PhD thesis and “Habilitation Diriger les Recherches”:

  • Pierre Duquesne, January 2011, Université de Rennes 1 (president);

  • Mariano Belaunde, January 2011, Université de Rennes 1 (adviser);

  • Benoit Caillaud (HDR), March 2011, Université de Rennes 1 (president);

  • Jannik Laval, June 2011, Université de Lille 1 (referee);

  • Mathieu Acher, September 2011, Université de Nice (referee);

  • Yves Le Gloahec, October 2011, Université de Bretagne Sud (referee);

  • Hakim Hannousse, November 2011, Ecole des Mines de Nantes (member);

  • Stéphane Lecomte, November 2011, Université de Rennes 1 (president);

  • Grégory Nain, December 2011, Université de Rennes 1 (adviser);

  • Maha Driss, December 2011, Université de Rennes 1 (adviser), co-tutelle with Tunisia;

  • Mickael Clavreul, December 2011, Université de Rennes 1 (adviser);

Benoit Baudry

was in the examination committee of the following PhD thesis:

  • Xavier Dumas, March 2011, Telecom Bretagne (member)

  • Hakim Belhaouari, September 2011, Université de Pau et Pays de l'Adour (referee)

  • Bastien Amar, October 2011, Université Paul Sabatier (referee)

  • Ha Nguyen, October 2011, Université de Nantes (referee)

  • Vincent Aranega, November 2011, Université de Lille 1 (referee)

Olivier Barais

was in the examination committee of the following PhD thesis

  • Grégory Nain, December 2011, Université de Rennes 1 (co-adviser)

  • Mickael Clavreul, December 2011, Université de Rennes 1 (co-adviser)


Jean-Marc Jézéquel

has been a member of the program committee of the following conferences:

  • ECOOP 2011, Lancaster, UK, 25th - 29th July 2011

  • SEAMS 2011 Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems, 23-34 May 2011, Honolulu, Hawaii.

  • SEFM 2011 The 9th International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods, 14-18 November 2011, Montevideo, Uruguay.

  • VaMoS 2011 Namur, Belgium, 24th - 26th January 2011

Benoit Baudry

has been a member of the program committee of the following conferences:

  • MODELS 2011 The 14th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems Wellington, NZ, October 2011

  • IEEE ICST'11 The 4th International Conference on Software Testing Verification and Validation, Berlin, Germany, March 2011

  • SC'11, International Conference on Software Composition, Zurich, CH, June 2011

  • TAP'11, 5th International Conference on Tests & Proofs, Zurich, CH, June 2011

  • AGTIVE'11, Applications of Graph Transformation With Industrial Relevance, Budapest, Hungary, October 2011

  • AST workshop on Automated Software Testing, at ICSE'11, Honolulu, USA, May 2011

  • MoDeVVa 2011, 8th international workshop on Model design and Validation at MODELS'10, Wellington, NZ, October 2011

  • Mutation'11 workshop at ICST'11, Berlin, Germany, March 2011

  • CSTVA'11 workshop at ICST'11, Berlin, Germany, March 2011

  • Revvert'11 workshop at ICST'11, Berlin, Germany, March 2011

  • SEKE'11, International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Miami, USA, July 2011

Olivier Barais

has been a member of the program committee of the following conferences:

  • The 37th EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications SEAA2011, August 30 to September 2, 2011, Oulu, Finland

  • 4nd Workshop on Context-aware Adaptation Mechanisms for Pervasive and Ubiquitous Services, (CAMPUS'11), 9th June 2011, Reykjavik, Iceland

Noël Plouzeau

has been a member of the program committee of the following conferences and workshops:

  • Component Based Software Engineering (CBSE), july 2011.

Benoit Combemale

has been a member of the program committee of the following conferences and workshops:

  • The Eighteenth Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2011)

  • The Industry Track of Software Language Engineering (ITSLE 2011)

  • The Seventh European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications (ECMFA 2011)

  • The Seventh Educators' Symposium @ MODELS 2011

  • 7ièmes Journées sur l'Ingénierie Dirigée par les Modèles (IDM 2011)

  • The MDE track of INFORSID 2011.

Gerson Sunyé

has been a member of the program committee of the following conference:

  • The 23rd International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering(SEKE 2011).

Johann Bourcier

has been a member of the program committee of the following workshop:

  • The Workshop on Software Product Line Development in Dynamic Adaptive Environments at ECOOP 2011

Workshops, Tutorials and Keynotes

J.-M. Jézéquel gave an invited talk on Hyper-agility of Human-Computer Interactions at IHM 2011 (Conférence Francophone sur l'Interaction Homme-Machine), on Hyper-agility of SOA at the Dagstuhl seminar on Models.at.runtime, and an invited seminar at the University of Luxemburg..

Benoit Combemale gave two invited talks on Model Typing for Model Transformation Reuse and Model Validation & Verification at King's College London. He was invited to participate at the 2011 Bellairs CAMPaM (Computer Automated Multi-Paradigm Modelling) workshop (a workshop taking the Dagstuhl seminar format).

Benoit Baudry gave a keynote on mutation analysis from objects to the cloud at the Mutation workshop associated with ICST'2011. He also gave an invited talk at King's College London on Model Validation & Verification and at Université de Luxembourg on search-based software engineering for adaptive systems.